Our contact phone numbers
Emergencies and faults
Life-threatening emergencies only Triple Zero (000) or 13 16 70 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
Faults only 13 22 96 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
Remember, extreme weather conditions and other situations may cause telephone lines to be congested or damaged so please be patient.
Retail enquiries
Residential customer service 13 10 46 (7am – 6:30pm Monday to Friday)
Business customer service 1300 135 210 (7am – 6.30pm Monday to Friday)
If calling from outside Australia +61 7 3069 4100
Ergon Energy Retail sells electricity to you and can help with:
- Opening new accounts and arranging location moves
- Finding the right electricity tariff for your home
- Managing your home electricity use
- Finding the most convenient way for you to pay your account
- Accessing the Queensland Government Electricity Rebate
- Subscribing to Clean Energy
- Donating to the Royal Flying Doctor Service.
Email: www.ergon.com.au